Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is Not a Charity, It's a Business

So, ladies and gentlemen, here is topic that is relevant to today in my eyes. Being apart of a family business, one sees things. No, we are not talking crazy drama, but enough to question the extent of crap one is willing to take from the world around them. For instance, at work today, yes I have the unfortunate pleasure of working for my parents, a frequent ( a massive nuisance) came in. This individual, brought food for us to cook!! Can you believe that! She actually brought stuff that she wanted as a meal for preparation. I was so ready to blow up in her face. I mean really, who does something like that. On top of it all, she consistently asks for money to borrow. I am not a cheap person when I see the individual working or at least trying to. This is a grown adult, dependant on others and unwilling to get of her keester. Hence my title, THIS IS NOT A CHARITY, IT'S A BUSINESS. We work to pay our bills, send ourselves to be educated, and overall survive. Get with the program. It's a shame that we are taken advantaged of. Especially when its based off of the efforts of those close to you. However, not everyone is this way. It's conforting to know that their are people who respect the hardwork put forth by a small independant business. To those who know what im talking about, speak up! We didn't get anywhere in life by relying on other people. One has to make an independant effort if they want any change in their circumstance. Well that's all for now, hopefully one is spared a similar instance for a short while.


  1. Well I do believe you had a unfortunate encounter and yes some citizens do rely to much on support be it on family, friends, government or even a business like yours. However, one must consider the circumstances surrounding this customer? Are they unemployed? Suffer from a mental illness? Depressed? Granted they could be just one arrogant customer who thinks they can boss you around but there may be more to the story.

  2. Perhaps I'm just an ignorant right-wingish student, but I really can't stand people like that. I worked for my Dad for a while, so I know what some customers think they are entitled to. They think I'm at work just to help them for some reason. Maybe I'm being cynical, but I go to work to get paid. Sure I help people, but it's not like I'd go to work if I wasn't paid.

    Though, I could be totally off as I don't know exactly what you do with your parents.

  3. Well i waitress at our family restaurant. Trust me, not a delight. Though, considering how many people are struggling to find work these days, it does come in handy.

  4. I feel like everyone is asking for charity! I can't walk down the street without three people from three different organizations trying to wave me down! I happen to enjoy performing acts of charity, but to the people I choose and I always prefer to hand the money directly to the person I want to help instead of to an organization where it could be used innapropriately. I fundraise and volunteer and give to the people I personally see are in need, but I only have so much to give and when it comes right down to it I'd rather help those who are closer to me, both emotionally and physically.
