Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Anti-Semitism On School Campus's

It is unfortunante that there continues to be an ever growing presence of hate generated on school grounds of the university. York has had several instances within the past couple months of profanity being written on the walls of what is supposed to be an accepting multicultural enviornment. Individuals who enjoy generating such hate need to get a life and get with the times. Sorry, but not everyone fits your hegemonic ideal. It's call racial diversity and one should be proud to embrace it.


  1. Well it is difficult to judge just how much antisemitism is on a campus. Some would claim that the Israel apartheid campaigns, which have led to confrontations with security between pro and anti Israel groups have trace elements of antisemitism in it. These types of situations make it tricky to throw labels around. The same can be said about the Free Tibet claim. I am sure some Chinese students born in China or are second generation Canadians feel there is "hate" in those public tabling sessions.

    Some people bring their "politics" to campus others don't. York University should encourage these groups to work together (the two opposing groups should do a live, civil debate about the issue instead of bringing in a speaker who is just for their issue)and make sure any literature handed out does not in any way conflict with Canadian hate speech laws.

  2. I think multifaith centres are very important to have on campuses. They bring people from different religious/cultural organizations all over universities and colleges together, to host events, volunteer, etc. This then fosters feelings of friendship and generates discussions.
