Saturday, March 5, 2011

This is Our Fight: Public Service Workers in Canada

Some people think that events across the world or even right across our border does not effect us. Canada is not immune nor can we ignore the questions that other citizens are asking. Take for example what is happening in Wisconsin. Now if you have not been paying attention to this issue then your going to be in for a shock. The new Republican governor in order to balance the state budget wants the public service workers to take a hit. They workers already agreed to the usual goody bag list of cuts like wages, pension, health insurance coverage but that is not good enough for the governor. He wants to legislate that the hard working public service workers lose the right to collectively bargain. The only right they can bargain for is wages and even that is restricted. No more drives for pensions, child care benefits, vacation pay, statutory holidays; the works. Thousands of flocked to the state to protest this and the Democrats have flew out of the state so the governor would not have the quorum to pass the bill. Granted in times of economic hardship cuts need to be made. Public service workers are more immune then say workers in manufacturing to a recession. Does that mean I agree that my mothers pay as a nurse is frozen for three years even though she has not get a pay increase in ten years? Nope but I understand what the Premier is trying to do. However, the governor in Wisconsin has gone too far. Workers fought hard for the right to collectively bargain and that should not be taken away. If this bill passes other states may adapt these kind of tactics and Canadian Premiers may follow suit. Public service workers which include firefighters, nurses, teachers, secretaries, civil servants, researchers, garbage collectors in some cities and police officers are just naming a few occupations. So, please make sure that if this kind of ideology comes to Canada let's drive it out. Public service workers take crap from citizens everyday. Sometimes they deserve it others time they are completely innocent. That does not mean they should be stripped naked and left to rot.

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