Friday, March 25, 2011

Can these Canadian Drivers even Drive?

Sometimes I wonder who even passed these drivers when really their driving skills are terrible! I mean it really makes me stop and wait for a few minutes and think about some people who seriously need to go back and start off right from G1 so that they can learn the proper rules to drive. So that they actually know what each sign means...what they're expected to do on a green light, a red light so on and so forth. I would have many examples to give if I ever got started on this topic. For example, today I was on the bus to York and right at Highway 7 and Interchange Way as the bus was crossing the green light, a car was slowly taking a right turn when clearly the driver could see that the bus had the first right to cross the green light and then the car could have taken a right turn when there weren't any other vehicles following the bus. But no...some drivers are always in a hurry as if they're in a race. Because of a small mistake there could have been a serious accident today, thank the Lord the bus driver honked so loudly at the car and gave a frustrated "what-on-Earth-are-you-doing?" look. Another time one of my co-workers told me how she was at Vaughan Mills and she was taking a left turn on one of the major intersections and mind you those big intersections are very jammed especially during rush hour so you have to drive very carefully. Anyway so she explained how she was taking a left turn and a guy was coming at full speed from the opposite direction she literally thought she would crash into his car because it seemed as if he couldn't even stop his car just because he was driving way too fast. Thankfully she had crossed just in time to let him pass by and crash into whatever he wanted...because quite frankly drivers like that deserve it. these kind of drivers think they rule the roads and they can go over the speed limit but they never consider that this might take another person's life away. However, I can only hope for people to become better drivers so there could be less accidents and less people getting injured and dying.

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