Saturday, March 26, 2011

Religion and its Impact on Individuals

I often contemplate over this whole idea of identity just because it's interesting to consider how different people prioritize certain things in their lives. Now, first of all, to me personally, identity doesn't just end within the boundaries of our name, sex, age, height, hair color, and social insurance number so on and so forth. If you look at identity from a broader perspective then it becomes essential for us to look beyond especially in our Canadian culture where multiculturalism comes into the picture. So if we were to look at the broader picture we would notice how things like our education, cultural background, family, and religion come into play something I will be talking about today.
So religion to me is something that plays an active role in molding part of our lives since it's something we would generally practice IF we follow one. For me as an individual, small things like praying, doing good things in general to other human beings, donating money for new infrastructure in my community are things I do which automatically make me practice my religion since my religion requires me to do certain things if I want to be a good Muslim and a good human being. Religion in my opinion establishes one's moral character because from what I know, I think any religion whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, and Buddhism (and many other religions that I might have forgotten to mention) generally revolve around primary ground rules that teach the followers of that religion to be good human beings and be kind to others. There are however many other teachings to different religions but of course I'm not going to be talking about them. Anyway the main point here is that no matter what religion it is, I feel that goodness is always there and it's expected to be performed by believers of many faiths. So that performance of goodness on one's part enhances their moral character which in turn leaves a person with a good identity.


  1. Despite what some Canadians may believe religion has played a big part in developing Canada and the Canadian character. The CCF, front-runner to the NDP was formed because of the "social gospel" movement where citizens through religion wanted to bring the Kingdom of God down to earth.

  2. Religion definitely can create a moral identity for an individual, but it is not the only motive for enhancing an individual's moral character. I think humanity plays a really big and significant part in building one's moral values. Sometimes teachings of religion are misunderstood or misused for immoral deeds as well.

  3. I definitely did forget to add in the humanity part and yes I strongly believe that even if one doesn't have a religion it doesn't kill one just to be kind and contribute to the rest of humanity as a fellow human gesture.
