Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Know I'm not Alone

I know...I know it's that time of the year again..end of March and well almost beginning of APRIL...and I know I'm not alone. University life around this time is really a killer. I just had an exam today, tomorrow I have a group presentation and the day after that I have my final essay due for a class. Sometimes I feel that I need a break from all of this. Here in Canada we don't even have many snow days like America because there, the students would have snow days like every other day and here in Canada we literally go to school or university even through snow blizzards. Well technically we only had one snow day last month in February but not like I could have caught on much of my school work. It's a little frustrating when I realize that even during reading week I tried to do as much as I could yet it still wasn't much of a "productive" week so to speak. If we had random snow days I feel that I could have used them wisely because I would keep in mind that technically it's a school day but because of the snow blizzard out there I still have to study just as if I were to be at school. I feel that I've fell behind on some of my assignments and it panics me just thinking about it...but I know I'm not alone because many of my fellow classmates and other students at York are going through the same hectic school work load. The professors and T.A's have high expectations for us to get in our assignments on time..to do well on the exams...to contribute for class participation..on and on and on. But..I know I'm not alone. When this time of the year comes about, I feel so overwhelmed by school work and exams coming up that I don't know where to get started...I waste time thinking....I waste time listening to music...I procrastinate overall...and I know I'm not alone.

When I've completed my assignments and handed them in...when I studied for my exams and wrote it the next day..I wait and I wait because now only one thing matters and that's my grades. All kinds of questions like "Oh my God, I hope I did an exceptional job on my final essay.." OR "I hope I got a good mark on my exam!" At this point, all that matters is HOW well I did for each of my classes and yet I still stand because I know I'm not alone. Everybody or at least the majority of my fellow colleagues are in the same boat which gives me hope and encouragement knowing that others are facing the same adversities in their academic life just like me...it calms me down because...I know I'm not alone.


  1. You are definitely not alone! I think pretty much any uni student feels this way at the end of the year when final assignments and exams come crashing down all at once! The pressure is always there...especially towards the end of the year. If we're lucky our profs or TA's will be considerate and alter or extend certain due dates. Its funny how in our generation...university these days is all about getting the best marks and graduating for the sake of building a decent career.

  2. I think any university student can relate to what you are saying. They all feel the pressure there's always that what if hanging around your head when you've done all the work. You worries haunt you till you get that final relief when you get to see your mark. It's interesting that most people believe that getting a good mark is everything. Though sometimes it does reflect your performance it may not be the case when you are approached with an outside the box situation. I believe that what you learn despite the mark you receive is relevant. Now I know it's not true for every case, but I just think that getting a great mark shouldn't mean more then actually understanding what you are learning. Otherwise there's no point in doing what you are doing, right? I think that anybody can build a good career despite their marks if they were to really try and put an effort into their job. This is also true for university.
